9/11 Never forget

Hi guys! This post is special for this day. Although I'm not American the 9/11 had a huge impact all over the world, so I thought I could share the most inspiring pictures I took when I went to NY in honor of this day and the people that USA lost in it. Thanks for reading, xo

Hola chicas. Este post es especial para este día. 
A pesar de no ser de USA el 9/11 tuvo un gran impacto a nivel mundial, asi que pensé en compartir las fotos más inspiradoras que tomé en mi viaje a NY en honor a este día y a las peronas que se perdieron en él.
Gracias por leer.


  1. It's important to recognise 9/11 and show your respect, as it is for all awful acts of terrorism. These photos are very touching, and very peaceful. My heart goes out to all those affected during that awful day.


