As soon as I saw this dress online at H&M I fell in love. First, I love the mix of prints. Second, I love th shape of the dress. Third, I loooooove the colors and is super comfy and cute.
I didn't feel comfortable wearing a sweater or blazer on top, the dress really looks amazing by itself but I wanted to add a detail, so the flower belt was the perfect final touch.

Thanks for visiting.


Apenas vi este vestido en internet en H&M me enamoré. Primero, me encanta la mezcla de estampados. Segundo, la forma del vestido. Tercero, los colores y lo cómodo que es.
No me sentí cómoda con un suéter o blazer, el vestido se ve hermoso solo pero quise agregar un detalle con la correa de flores.

Gracias por visitar.

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