I love being able to take my scarves out finally. Miami's weather is being lovely, sometimes is really cold and sometimes is just cool and I am enjoying it.
I wore this to walk around and run some errands, I could wear this skirt everyday is so pretty; and you know how much I love my leather jacket. The scarf was a little print detail I wanted to add.
Thanks for visiting.

PS: I hope you liked the blog makeover, I am certainly LOVING IT badly, now you can directly "Pin" the pictures if you like.

Me encanta poder empezar a sacar mis bufandas. El clima en Miami esta perfecto, a veces hace mucho frío y a veces solo un poco y lo estoy disfrutando al máximo.
Usé esto para caminar y hacer unas diligencias. Podría usar esta falda siempre, es hermosa; aparte saben que mi chaqueta de cuero me encanta. Agregué la bufanda para darle un detalle estampado.
Gracias por visitar.
PD: Espero les guste el nuevo look del blog, simple y limpio, como me gusta. Ahora pueden mandar las imágenes a Pinterest directamente si desean.

F21 jacket, skirt & scarf
H&M top
Payless booties


  1. I lovee your new blog layout Gaby!! I definitely need to look into revamping my own blog's layout. Love the minimalist design. And this outfit! Can't believe those booties are from Payless. They're adorbs :) I like how you paired the neutral colors with black and white! Have a good week!!

    refined couture 

    1. Thank you, Erica.

      I really loved the result too. There are a bunch of adorable layouts on Etsy and the prices are really really good. You can check them out and maybe find some you like or get inspired as well.

      Thank you for your kind words. You know you rock every outfit you wear and I love them!

